Vision, Mission, Purpose
We are committed to the highest legal and ethical business practices.
Sand Hill Energy complies fully with the relevant European and U.S. directives, Hungarian and Romanian laws and regulations, and local decrees. We believe that operating lawfully, ethically, and transparently reflects our core values and provides the foundation for a successful business.
We seek partners who adhere to our high standards.
The company expects its suppliers and contractors and all business partners to operate according to the highest industrial and legal standards.
We believe that the benefits of the market accrue to the whole community.
At Sand Hill we believe that fairness underpins a successful business, providing growth opportunies, employment, partnerships, and tax benefits to the community.
Sand Hill Energy honors and safeguards the conditions of the local communities where it operates
The company expresses its respect for people and communities by exercising the smallest possible footprint on the environmental, social, and historical conditions of the community.
Sand Hill Energy aspires to be a fair partner of the representatives of the local community
The company seeks partnerships with regional and local authorities, municipalities, and their representatives to build a system of cooperation and everyday coexistence. A partnership is based on the realization, acceptance, and bridging of differences in values and interests. Cooperation is built on the enhancement of the value of the local community, strengthening of cohesion within and with the community, and contribution to local and regional development.